Monday, January 26, 2009

Bunga saya ialah....

I am a

What Flower
Are You?


Q: You think you are hot?
A: i have no clue..i'm too hot to care...hehehe :p

Q: Upload one fave picture.

Q: Why do you like it?
A: because itu hasilan gue..

Q: When was the last time you had pizza?
A: december 2008

Q: The last song you listened to.

Q: What are you doing right now other than this?
A: playing Big Money...mau kasi kalah Vsnuch

Q: What name would u prefer other than this?
A: love my name

Q: 5 peoples to be tagged
1. Dilla
2. Leja
3. Yan
4. Emi
5. Rai

Q: Who is no 1
A: My beloved sister

Q: No 3 is having relationship with…?
A: Berry??

Q: Say something about no 5.
A: My bestfriend

Q: How about no 4?
A: also my kurus

Q: Who is no 2?
A: My bestfriend..we started to be best friend since form 4

lamanya x update blog. actually xtau mau tulis apa.. lama x mengarang.. bz dgn kehidupan di dunia realiti..   oh ya.. beberapa bulan lalu, a...